It is true that parting with your favorite color is painful. All of us have the tendency to fill our makeup kits with different makeup items of our favorite color. When it comes to junking the old, dripping, stinking and mutilated eye crayons, lip sticks or cream blushes, we keep on chiding ourselves by saying, “Hey, you can never find another one of that same shade”. What we keep on ignoring at our own peril is the longer we embrace our old makeup elements, the faster our skin starts responding to it in the wrong way. So, be a little harsh on your favorite OLD makeup item and trash it for the sake of your skin.
Liquid Foundation or Mousse: Foundation is one makeup element that we hate to dump easily. The main reason behind it is probably that the bottle of foundation does not run out, easily. But, all the skin tinting elements like, concealers, foundations and skin mousses must be replaced after every 6 months. Using such things after that period might have detrimental effect on your skin. It is quite difficult to store tinted concealers, mousse or foundations for a long time. You need to keep such stuff in cool and dark area that direct sunlight or heat do not spoil them or separate the ingredients of them.
Lipstick & Tube Glosses: Usually, these products remain in good condition for up to two years. No matter how deeply you are attached to your favorite lipstick color, keeping an old stick with off smell is never a thought worth considering. Once you find the smell or taste of your lip tint odd, waste no time in tossing it in the trash-bin. It is necessary to be careful before sticking your fingers into the pot of lip gloss. Before digging into it, make sure your fingers are clean and not wet.
Blush and Bronzer: It is not a wise idea to wear your bronzers, blushes or compacts for more than 8 months. The applicators and brushes should also be replaced along with these makeup items. If you do not like the idea of dumping the fine brush or applicator you picked up following your friend’s advice, you might not discard it and clean it and dry it thoroughly every nine months.

Eye Liner & Mascara: Liquid liners and Mascara are two makeup items that attract more bacteria than most of the other makeup items. It is a good decision to replace a tube of mascara or liquid liner every six months. If you are fond of pencil eye liners, then you can stretch the shelf life of them a bit more to use them for two years.
Hairspray: Hairspray bottles usually remain full for a long time as most people do not use sprays regularly. As the product does not come in direct contact of skin, it can easily be shared every now and then with your friends. If kept in a cool area, hairsprays usually remain in good condition for up to 3 years.
It is quite difficult at times to say goodbye to some of your favorite cans and tubes of makeup items. But, after a certain point, it becomes necessary to throw them away. Trusting them after their life is over can cost your skin and overall health dear.